Sunday, February 19, 2012

a start

i just wanted to create a blog to let my brain steam off a little bit, because the situation that i am currently in demands so.

also i need to keep a track of my preparation level so that it stays on course with my goal that i have managed to set my self with.

i hope to daily contribute some meaningful thoughts into it benifiting me as well as some virtual wandering soul.

as for today, i am planning to sleep early and intend to continue this habbit for some time to come and hope this blog gives me the required( much needed also ) energy and enthusiam to maintain this streak of mine though not wild.

i being a non believer of religion was looking for a source of inspiration or something to fall onto whenever we need some kind of mental support or a source to strength for my inner soul ( if at all this exist scientifically) or the scientifically correct term-my thought process. And so i thought in this human histroy there has been many a mortal who have done such amazing things and fought such adversaries that even an immortal would have proud of (yes ..its sarcastically), so from each such individuals who have achieved something great despite all the hardships and related, i think persons like us should take some take some inspiration or can ask for good wishes from this INDOMINABLE HUMAN SPIRIT.This thought came to my mind while going out for a brisk evening today around the round at the egde of the township that i live in.


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